
CalFresh is the name of the USDA-funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (提前) in the state of California. CalFresh is a nutrition assistance program to help low-income individuals, 家庭, 大学生买他们需要的食物. 该计划提高了他们的食品购买力, helping to stretch a tight food budget and allowing many people afford to incorporate healthy foods into their diets. CalFresh benefits are used instead of money at the grocery store, and are issued via an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card.

CalFresh benefits can be used at certain local farmers markets 除了杂货店和市场. 许多农贸市场也支持 市场配对计划, which provides matching funds to purchase extra fruits and 蔬菜. Information about participating farmers markets can be found on the 市场匹配 website.




学生需要满足 至少一个 下列标准之一:

• Working and earning wages for a minimum of 20 hours each week, or accumulating an average of 80 hours of work per month.
• Granted approval, recognition, or acceptance for a federal or state work-study program.
•获得Cal Grant A或B, 不满26岁的, 没有结婚, 收入低于50美元,000.
•EOP, TGS或麦克奈尔学者学生.
• You must be a parent who has a dependent in the household who is either under 6 years old, or between the ages of 6 and 12 and does not have sufficient childcare.
• You must be a single parent with a dependent in the household who is under 12 years old, 你还必须是全日制学生.
• Participating in the CalFresh Employment and Training Program (CFET) or be a recipient of CalWORKs (TANF).
• You must be a student who is part of a Local Program that Enhances Employability (LPIE). 请参阅CalFresh学生资格: 批准的lpie名单.

Eligibility Exemption: Students who participate in Local Programs that Increase Employability (LPIE) are exempt from the CalFresh student eligibility rule. Refer to "CalFresh 学生的资格: 批准的lpie名单" on the CalFresh策略页面.



步骤1: 联系 your CalFresh Food Program and take the application prescreen. If you are not sure how to contact your program, contact our CalFresh Food Coordinator at

步骤2: If you think you may be eligible, complete and submit an application with your CalFresh Food Program. We encourage you to apply online with the help of your CalFresh Food Program because they are familiar with the questions and will likely get you through the application process faster.

步骤3: Once the application is received by the county, your 30-day application period begins.

步骤4: Complete your INTERVIEW with the county office by phone or in person (The county office will either call or mail you a date and time for your interview)

The purpose of the interview is for you to speak with a CalFresh representative and gain additional knowledge about the CalFresh program. 另外, the county worker will verify your eligibilities for CalFresh and request additional documentation if necessary.

Once you submit a CalFresh application and provide the necessary documents, 你所在的县会给你打电话面试的. 面试时间为周一至周五上午8点至下午5点. Student can expect a phone call from their county within the 30-day application period. The county may call for an unknown or blocked phone number.


如果你在两周内没有接到电话面试, you should check with the county by calling their main line at (866) 613-3777. Interviews will always be completed by phone unless the student requests otherwise.

步骤5: In order to keep your CalFresh benefits, you will be required to do the following:

  • 完成半年度报告, 也被称为SAR 7资格报告, six months after your initial application has been approved. 报告到期时县里会通知你的.
  • Complete a Recertification Application and participate in an interview before the end of your certification period. The county will inform you when your Recertification Application is due and will send you a letter confirming the time and date of your interview. Please note that most interviews will be conducted over the phone.
农贸市场 & 市场匹配

市场匹配 is California’s healthy food incentive program that matches customers’ CalFresh nutrition assistance benefits at farmers’ markets and other farm-direct sites. 市场匹配 is distributed by over 60 community-based organizations and farmers’ market operators at over 250 sites across the state.


  1. Find the farmers’ market or other farm-direct outlet nearest you that offers 市场匹配.
    You can use the Farmers’ Market Finder map to 搜索 for farmers’ markets and farm-direct outlets near you that accept CalFresh EBT and offer 市场匹配.
  2. 使用你的CalFresh EBT卡.
    Go to the market’s information booth and a market staff member will swipe your CalFresh EBT card for the amount of your choice and you will receive tokens or paper vouchers to spend on any CalFresh-eligible food items at the market. 在其他农场直接销售点,比如农场摊位, 辅导, 移动市场, you can make a CalFresh purchase just as you would at the grocery store, 没有代币或代金券. 只需选择您想要购买的物品, 去结帐, 刷你的CalFresh EBT卡.
  3. 收到您的市场比赛代币或代金券.
    市场人员将匹配你的CalFresh福利, providing you with 市场匹配 tokens or vouchers to spend on fruits and 蔬菜. 在其他农场直营店, 市场匹配 is usually offered as a 50% discount instead of as tokens/vouchers.
  4. 花!
    花 the 市场匹配 tokens or vouchers with any farmer in the market that sells fresh fruits, 蔬菜, 现摘的草药, 或者食用植物开始.

CalFresh is not considered income and does not affect your household’s financial aid or taxes.

本网站由美国农业部资助, 提前, 在加州被称为CalFresh, 一个机会均等的提供者和雇主, 以及加州社会服务部.
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